Kleenso Gift For The Needy
As an organisation that believes in supporting the community and helping others, Kleenso regularly contributes cleaning products to non-profit organisations, including schools, shelters and welfare homes. We often target those in need, for example, providing cleaning solutions to the victims of the 2021 floods.
Many non-profit organisations have come to us to ask for help. They welcome cleaning supplies which can help the needy – such as disabled folk, orphans and refugees – lead hygienic and healthy lives.
We wish to help them and are inviting you to join us in our efforts.
We have listed selected products you can purchase for these organisations. when you buy these products, we will add/top-up on these products, and cover the delivery costs of sending them to the selected organisations.
We hope you can support our journey by spreading joy to those in need, helping them maintain their hygiene and health. With your love and help, they can look forward to a better tomorrow!
The organisations we are supporting include: